本帖最后由 101设计 于 2016-1-22 09:53 编辑101设计研究院前身为101设计[香港国际]股份有限公司的大陆分支机构(101设计[深圳]事务所及101设计[成都]事务所),经过不断发展及市场需求,2014年两大机构独立并重组,改制为深圳壹零壹建筑工程设计研究院有限公司,注册增资至1010万元,现为乙级设计资质。华南机构设立于设计之都(深圳)南山区创意产业园,西南机构设立于天府之城(成都)高新区环球中心,涉及业务已涵盖品牌策略、建筑景观设计、室内设计、陈设艺术等领域。
101 design & research institute (hereinafter referred as ‘101’) was formally known as 101 design firm and 101 design firm,which were the branches of 101 design in the mainland of China。Through decades of hardworking, 101 design & research institute was integrated into a limited liability company named Shenzhen 101 architecture design & research institute Co., Ltd by restructuring of the two branches in 2014, with a registered capital of ten million and a hundred thousand RMB and Class B qualification. Currently, one of the branch of 101 is located in the Cultural Creative Industry Park of the city of design—Shenzhen; and the other one is located in the global centre of the city of Abundance—Chengdu.101 always focuses on brand strategy and design of architecture、landscape、interior、soft decoration,etcetera.
多年来,101以国际化的运营和实务运作享誉业界,屡次荣获国内外创意、设计类大奖。我们集合120多位才华横溢的业界精英,拥有全球12个跨领域的合作伙伴,迄今已为上千家品牌及机构提供过咨询及服务。 For the past years, 101 is well-known around the industry for its international perspective and actual practice in operation. It is an experienced brand strategy and management company, with many award-winning projects for originality and design domestically and internationally. 120 prodigiously talented elites equip 101 with conscientious analyzing and creating ability. It has 12 inter-field partners, and has provided information and service to over a thousand clients across different industries.
機構設置*設計①所 [酒店類] *設計②所 [餐飲/娛樂類] *設計③所 [商業/展陳類] *設計④所 [辦公/文體/醫院/交通類] *設計⑤所 [會所/地產] *設計⑥所[陳設藝術類]
补充内容 (2016-1-22 10:13):
网址:www.101.name 向楼主致敬